What are people saying

Shri Piyush Goyal
Union Cabinet Minister
Government of India
"...I was glad to attend the CLO Chief Learning Officer Summit, and was impressed to see several young people keen on corporate learning and development. The thought-leadership and exchange of positive ideas generated can go a long way in helping corporations — both government and private..."

Ms Kylie Bell
Trade & Investment Commissioner
Government of Australia
"The Australian Trade Commission, the Australian Government’s trade, investment and education promotion agency, was delighted to associate with the Chief Learning Officers Summit as Partner Country – Australia. The summit was well organised, well attended and included very high quality content. The participating organisations and profile of speakers were impressive and represented industry leaders from across India.”

Mr. Robert J Thomas
Managing Director, Accenture Institute for High Performance
“…found the CLO Summit to be a very well organized event with many inspirational speakers and practical examples. The Q&A sessions with speakers and participants revealed a host of examples I could put to use immediately”

EFMD Collaborates with LeapVault’s CLO Chief Learning Officers Summit India